Buscar por Autor Mantari, J. L.

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may-2015A refined FSDT for the static analysis of functionally graded sandwich platesMantari, J. L.; Granados, E. V.; [email protected]
sep-2015A simple and accurate generalized shear deformation theory for beamsMantari, J. L.; Yarasca, J.; [email protected]
abr-2016A unified quasi-3D HSDT for the bending analysis of laminated beamsMantari, J. L.; Canales, F. G.; [email protected]
oct-2016An original FSDT to study advanced composites on elastic foundationMantari, J. L.; Granados, E. V.; [email protected]
jun-2016Buckling and free vibration of laminated beams with arbitrary boundary conditions using a refined HSDTCanales, F. G.; Mantari, J. L.; [email protected]; [email protected]
jun-2015Dynamic analysis of functionally graded plates using a novel FSDTMantari, J. L.; Granados, E. V.; [email protected]
jul-2016Finite element formulation of laminated beams with capability to model the thickness expansionMantari, J. L.; Canales, F. G.; [email protected]
may-2016Free vibration and buckling of laminated beams via hybrid Ritz solution for various penalized boundary conditionsMantari, J. L.; Canales, F. G.; [email protected]
jul-2015Free vibration of single and sandwich laminated composite plates by using a simplified FSDTMantari, J. L.; Ore, M.; [email protected]
ene-2016Hermite-Lagrangian finite element formulation to study functionally graded sandwich beamsYarasca, J.; Mantari, J. L.; Arciniega, R. A.; [email protected]
jul-2016Refined theories based on non-polynomial kinematics for the thermoelastic analysis of functionally graded platesRamos, I. A.; Mantari, J. L.; Pagani, A.; Carrera, E.; [email protected]
mar-2016Static analysis of functionally graded plates using new non-polynomial displacement fields via Carrera Unified FormulationMantari, J. L.; Ramos, I. A.; Carrera, E.; Petrolo, M.; [email protected]
ago-2015Thermoelastic behavior of advanced composite sandwich plates by using a new 6 unknown quasi-3D hybrid type HSDTMantari, J. L.; Granados, E. V.; [email protected]
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